Friday, August 14, 2015

" माँ "

                                   " माँ "

मेरी जिंदगी का ऐसा महत्वपूर्ण शब्द जो मुझे जिंदगी में सबसे ज्यादा प्यारा है। ये दुनिया का केवल एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसका कोई मोल नहीं है। भगवान ने माँ को इसलिए बनाया है क्योंकि भगवान एक वक्त में हर जगह नहीं रह सकता। माँ की ममता को शब्दों से जाहिर नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि माँ एक बच्चे को 9 महीने अपनी कोख में रखती है। चाहे उन 9 महीनो मे उसने कितना भी कष्ट भोगा हो पर जब जन्म के बाद बच्चे को उसकी गोद में रखा जाता है तो जो खुशी उसे होती है वो उस 9 महीने के कष्टो के आगे कुछ भी नहीं। मैं माँ के प्यार को सिर्फ शब्दों में केद नहीं करना चाहता क्योंकि ऐसा करने का मुझे कोई  हक नहीं। फिर भी मैं इसे एक कविता में जाहिर करते हुए आपको एक माँ के प्यार की झलक दिखाना चाहता हूं। यह ब्लॉग मैं अपनी माँ को समर्पित करना चाहता हूं।


                   ममता भरी इन आखों में।
                   एक आशिर्वाद भी होता है।।
                   माँ से घर के आँगन में।
                  भगवान का एहसास भी होता है।।
                  वो दिखती तो है खुश मगर।
                  दर्द भी साथ होता है।।
                  सब भूली बिसरी आती है।
                  जब बच्चा उसका रोता है।।

                  पाले पोसे हम सबको।
                  फिर भी क्यों ऐसा होता है।।
                  भगदड़ की इस दुनिया में।
                  तू माँ को ही खो देता है।।

                  इस ममता को मैं भूल न पाऊं।
                  जिससे रोशन जीवन होता है।।
                  माँ की हर एक डाट में अक्सर ।
                  प्यार छुपा भी होता है।।

      जितना बड़ा भ्रमांड है उसको अन्तता (Infinity) से गुणा(✖) करके जितना भी आता है मैं आपसे इतना प्यार करता हूं।

                    💜  👸👸👸👸 💜

                      अगर आप भी अपनी माँ से प्यार करते हैं तो उन्हें जाकर एक जादू की झप्पी दिजिये और धन्यवाद किजिये कि इतना प्यार करने के लिए।।

                    LOVE YOU " MAA"

Monday, August 4, 2014

Beautiful Earth

                                                              Hello Everyone......
                                                                   This Is
                                                               PRIYAAS BHATT
                                                     After a long time i am writing a blog.
                                                          So Today I am Writing on 
                                                *****   EARTH*****

EARTH also known as Prithvi. Earth Originates from a big Fire Ball which is today known as SUN. Sun is a very big star & it contains many gases. These gases undergoes oxidation & reduction which makes the Sun so hot.The origin of Earth is just an accident.This accident occurs in the Sun.This accident is known as BIG BANG. according to big bang a very big explosion occurs in the Sun & it produce light which cant be seen by direct vision because the direct contact with this light makes the eyes damaged same as the nuclear bomb spreads a light but the light which  produced big bang is 100 times more stronger than a normal nuclear bomb. when the Sun undergo big bang a small part of Sun separates from it & become a small fire ball. In the starting Earth the Environment is very horrible everything is hot on Earth.Many small Explosions occurs on Earth during its primitive stage which arises from Volcano & there are huge number of volcanos present at that time. as the time goes on the Earth becomes cooler than Earlier. The hot Semisolid material (LAVA) which originates from volcano become cooler.The temperature of the Earth starts decreasing with time & the Lava becomes hot water sea. At that time only 1 gas occur i.e. Carbon after that more gases like ozone originates in the environment of the Earth. Some hot water becomes cool & some water remains hot.There was a time between 3.8 & 4.1 billion years ago many more planets are evolving like Earth which makes the atmosphere very bad.The 1st aspect of life evolved in the deep sea (ocean) the first thing which forms on earth are the organic compounds by then they would be altered or destroyed by temperatures exceeding 300 degree Celcius. The development of a 100 kilobase genome of a protein heterotroph into 7000 gene filamentous cyanobacterium would have required only 7 million years.The Earth's atmosphere had almost no free oxygen. the process began with cyanobacteria. They were the 1st organisms to make free oxygen by photosynthesis. As the level of oxygen starts increasing the life on Earth gradually increases. The first organisms are prokaryotes which means ones having primitive nucleus.After prokaryotes The origin of Eukaryotes (Having new type nucleus) had occured. as we know the functional unit of life is cell. Eukaryotes have a tendency to multiply to form a multicelled organism.Today the life present on Earth is very complex here many types of organisms present from zooplanton to the Blue Whales. Every oragnism has its different way of living some organisms live in the water & some lives on the surface. Everyone has its own food chain some are Herbivorous which eats leaf & Trees like Elephants,Cows, etc. Some are Carnivorous which eats meat like Lions, Tigers, etc. Some are Omnivorous which eat both plants & Meat like humans, Baboon monkeys, etc. as these organisms eat each other to maintain the balance in the environment. Weaker Species loses & stronger spices lives this is the main rule of this Earth. Today's Earth is very beautiful as compare to that deadly Earth. The Environment contains beautiful trees, animals & many things which makes the Earth so Beautiful.

 But From many years our Beautiful Earth gradually taking the same shape as the earlier Earth Because we destroying our beautiful Earth by cutting trees, killing the animals, throwing wastes in the lakes & seas,using polluted vehicles & many other things.

If we Do not take a good step the day is not far when Our Earth becomes

The Earth which gives us life & we are not giving it Respect very shameful !!!

So From Now Onwards take a Pledge with me & Protect The Earth from these bad things 
So the FUTURE is in your hands.



                                       Thanks Everyone 
                                For Reading It Carefully..........
                                                             HAVE A NICE DAY

Saturday, September 1, 2012



* It is caused by pathogenic bacterium Salmonella typhi.
* It is spread by contaminated food and water.
* It generally enters the small intestine and then migrate to other organs through blood.

(a) constant high fever (39* to 40*c).
(b) weakness 
(c) stomach pain
(d) loss of appetite
(e) constipation
(f) headache
(g) intestinal perforation and death may occur in severe cases.

Typhoid fever can be confirmed by widal test.

Mary Mallon, called Typhoid Mary was a cook and a typhoid carrier for many years who continued to spread the disease for several years through her prepared food.



* They infect alveoli (air filled sacs) of the lungs where the alveoli get filled with a fluid resulting in the decrease of respiratory efficiency of the lungs.
* Common symptoms include fever, cough, headache, lips and finger nails turn grey to bluish coloured.
* Infections acquired by- inhaling droplets/aerosol from infected persons and sharing glasses and utensils, etc., with an infected person.



* It is caused by a group of viruses called RHINO VIRUS.
* These viruses infect the nasal epithelium and respiratory passage but not the lungs.
* Its symptoms include :
(a) Nasal congestion and discharge
(b) Sore throat 
(c) Hoarseness
(d) Cough
(e) Headache
(f) Tiredness.

* Its attack lasts for about 3-7 days.
* It spreads by :
(a) Contaminated objects like pens, books, cups, etc.
(b) Cough and sneezing droplets from an infected person.



* It is caused by a protozoan, Plasmodium.
* Different species of Plasmodium (P.vivax, P.malaria, P.falciparum) are responsible for different types of malaria.
* P.falciparum is the most serious and fatal malignant malaria.
* Plasmodium enters the human body the bite of female anopheles mosquito (vector) that transfers the sporozoites of Plasmodium.


* It is caused by an intestinal endoparasite, Entamoeba histolytica found in large intestine of humans.
* Housefly acts as mechanical carrier and transmits the parasite from faeces of infected person to the food.
* Infection takes place through contaminated food and water.

(a) Abdominal pain 
(b) Constipation 
(c) Cramps
(d) Stool with excess mucous and blood clots, etc.



* It is caused fungi like Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton.
* Human infection occurs either through contact with an infected person or from soil. It also spreads through towels, clothes, combs, etc., of the infected persons.

     SYMPTOMS :-
1. Dry and scaly lesions on skin, nails and scalp
2. Lesions are accompanied by itching.



* It is caused by an intestinal endoparasite of man, Ascaris lumbricoides commonly called roundworm.
* Its symptoms include :
(a) Abdominal pain
(b) Indigestion
(c) Internal bleeding 
(d) Muscular pain
(e) Fever 
(f) Anaemia 
(g) Nausea and Headache
(h) Blockage of the intestinal passage.
* Infection takes place through contaminated vegetables, fruits and water.


* It is caused by WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI and WUCHERERIA MALAYI (filarial worm).
* They normally cause inflammation of the organs in which they live for many years.
*They normally affect the lymph vessels of the lower limbs by blocking them resulting the swelling of legs, these look like legs of elephants so called leading to gross deformation of the organ.
* Female Culex mosquito is the vector.

                                  THANK YOU

               BY :-  PRIYAAS BHATT

Saturday, November 28, 2009

मेरी बचपन की फोटो

मम्मी कहती है छोटे होते मैं बिलकुल अंग्रेज था, नीचे तब की फोटो है।

मेरी बाकी की फोटो फ्लिकर पर यहाँ देखिए।

नमसकार हिन्दी चिट्ठाजगत में मेरी पहली पोस्ट

नमस्कार हिन्दी चिट्ठाजगत के सभी लोगों को।

प्रियास भट्ट, कक्षा दसवीं में पढ़ता हूँ। मामा ई-पण्डित ने धक्के से ब्लॉग खुलवा दिया है। शायद मेरे को भी ब्लॉगर बनाने का षडयंत्र रच रहे हैं।

अभी हिन्दी बड़ी मुश्किल से टाइप हो रही है। आज के लिए इतना ही।